
Palestine in America

Palestine in America Inc NFP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating print and digital magazines that highlight Palestinians in the Unites States. We also pride ourselves on being a platform for Palestinian journalists to jumpstart their careers.

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US, Israel  Peace Plan ignores Palestinians, again

US, Israel Peace Plan ignores Palestinians, again

Touted as the final solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the “deal of the century” will purportedly solve all the issues and hardships plaguing both sides of the spectrum. Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt have worked tirelessly to ensure that Israel will get everything it wants while throwing some scraps towards the Palestinians. “A Realistic Two-State solution”, Trump said at his White House briefing. But should we be listening to a man that has actively worked to ensure that never happens?

The Trump administration recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a move that infuriated the Palestinians as they claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Donald Trump recently recognized the Golan Heights as part of the Israeli state, a strategy that led to world wide condemnation. All while closing the Palestinian embassy in Washington DC and cutting millions of dollars in UNRWA aid to Palestinian refugees. Palestinians are right to think this administration can no longer play the role as a peace broker when the balance of America’s friendship is heavily skewed towards Israel. 

Noticeably not in attendance: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas nor any member of the Palestinian Authority, which have unequivocally rejected the plan. The Palestinian president has stated numerous times that this plan is a “non-starter” and “dead on arrival.” This works to Israel’s advantage as they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

“I’ve agreed to negotiate peace with the Palestinians on the bases of your peace plan”, Netenyahu told Trump at the press conference. 

This sets a dangerous precedent for any future peace talks as Israel will now officially consider anything different from this plan as non-negotiable which all but ensures no further talks happen. A strategy Israel regularly has relied on.

The plan codifies Israel’s sovereignty over the entirety of historic Palestine. It would grant Jerusalem  as Israel’s “undivided capital” while pushing the Palestinian capital of East Jerusalem across the separation wall. Moreover, it maintains Israel’s control over all of the Jewish-only settlements and roads in the West Bank. It calls for the Palestinians to name Israel as a Jewish state and for Gaza to disarm. In exchange, the Palestinians will be allowed to hold a heavily fragmented area of the West Bank along with a tunnel to Gaza, some management of two Israeli ports, and $50 Billion dollars in aid. On the question of Palestinian right to return, Netenyahu stated that “the Palestinian refugee problem must be solved outside the state of Israel.” The 5 Million Palestinians currently in refugee camps and dispersed around the world will not be allowed to return to their homes. 

Until Trump’s “deal of the century” is written to include the voices of those under Israeli occupation, it won’t solve anything but serve to solidify Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

They tell us “dialogue is key” when we have no voice or power in their decision making. Perhaps it’s time for Palestinians to be their own broker of peace?

Who are Palestinians voting for in the 2020 presidential election?

Who are Palestinians voting for in the 2020 presidential election?